House System
As image bearers of a relational God, human beings are designed to be connected to others. The SCS House system exists to accomplish two simple goals: Build community and positively influence the student experience at SCS.
Nationally, the HOUSE program is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and school culture. The SCS HOUSE program is intentionally relational. As image bearers of a relational God, human beings are designed to be connected to others. With Stillwater’s vision of building a stronger community, the HOUSE system exists to create a space where students can engage in meaningful conversations, empower each other through relationships, and encourage thoughtful living. By incorporating cross-grade level HOUSEs, we are striving to build a stronger sense of belonging and togetherness. Ultimately, our prayer is that students internalize what they learn through the involvement of their HOUSE and apply that knowledge and experience to the greater community they live in.
Based on our school placement and inspired by God’s creation we elected to stay with the theme of the animals native to Montana. Each HOUSE name reflects an animal native to Montana and their logo sets the animal in its natural habitat. The HOUSE Group names are:
- Cutthroat
- Timberwolf
- Grizzly
- Osprey
- Bighorn
- Whitetail
Students and faculty are sorted into HOUSE groups, but staff and parents are all allowed to participate in the HOUSE program. There are opportunities for the staff and parents to engage in events that HOUSEs participate in. Each student in grades 9-12 will be placed in one of 6 different HOUSES: Bighorn, Cutthroat, Grizzly, Osprey, Timberwolf, and Whitetail. Each HOUSE will be led by two student leaders and at least one Faculty member. Student leaders are chosen, annually, by a committee of faculty and staff.
There are four primary types of HOUSE meetings:
- HOUSE Building - Team building where students engage in games/mixers/and conversations with their entire HOUSE group.
- HOUSE Group - In their HOUSE group students separate into male and female small groups. In these small groups students engage in meaningful conversations facilitated by questions from chapel talks.
- HOUSE competitions - Rallies and competitions where HOUSE groups can earn points for their HOUSE.
- Chapel - When all HOUSE groups meet together to engage in reading of scripture, prayer, worship, and listening to a speaker.
To support the goal of community and fellowship once a student is sorted into their HOUSE they will remain in that HOUSE for the duration of their attendance at Stillwater.
HOUSE meetings occur every Wednesday rotating from Chapel, HOUSE groups, then HOUSE building. HOUSE competitions occur about once a month, but are not always set on Wednesday’s.
HOUSE meetings are approximately 40 minutes long and take place on designated Wednesdays. Under the direction of faculty leaders, small groups will discuss the character traits of the HOUSE acrostic, study what God says about those traits and talk about ways to foster those within the school community. These meetings will also include ice-breakers and games, and practicing the HOUSE group’s chant. HOUSE groups are designed to strengthen existing relationships between students and between the faculty leader and the students where mentorship and discipleship are priorities.
HOUSE is a competition-based system and points can be earned in categories like:
- Christian Character
- Academic Excellence
- School Spirit
- Outstanding Performance
- Perfect Attendance
- Effort
- Winning HOUSE competitions
- Teamwork
Point Distribution looks like:
- 1 point for answering a standard difficult question in class
- 2-4 points for winning a class competition
- 5-7 points for a perfect score on a major test, significant community service, overwhelming display of Christian character
- 8-9 points for the best performance on a school project
The HOUSE Trophy will be awarded to the HOUSE with the most points at the end of the year.