Celebrating God’s Abundant Provision

Lori Vander ArkHead of School, News

In the fall of 2019, Stillwater re-launched Building for Growth with the announcement of a challenge match of $300K. In the seven months that followed, $100K more in matching funds became available and new and existing donors stepped up to meet and exceed the challenge, with gifts totaling nearly $1.4 Million for the 2019-20 school year.  God blessed us beyond our expectations, enabling us to complete several important projects aligned with our strategic vision for growth in mission, vision, and enrollment.   

God’s abundant provision through giving in 2019-20 provided:

  • Full funding for the SCS Variable Tuition program which provides tuition assistance to 57% of our students, enabling more students to receive a Christ-centered education. 
  • Increased capacity for learning with four new and four refurbished classrooms which enabled us to reopen this fall with two sections per grade in grades K-10. 
  • Increased capacity for mentoring student athletes through our new strength and conditioning program/elective class in new/updated athletic facilities.
  • Increased financial stability during a volatile and uncertain season including debt reduction and a prudent buildup of cash reserves going into the 2020-21 school year. 

And now, just weeks into the 2020-21 school year, we are hearing almost daily reports of God transforming the lives of students and families through our Spirit-led work: a new first grade student who prayed to receive Christ after the first week of school; a new fourth grade student awakened to God’s word and spending all her free time reading it; a sixth grader who recently recommitted his life to Christ; high school house leaders stepping up to lead an outstanding retreat to begin the year.

Through more than 40 years of growth at Stillwater, God has faithfully provided for all our needs and we are confident He will do so again.  Our prayer and expectation is that He will surprise us again this year by providing more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  The importance of what we’re doing at Stillwater has been reinforced through the events of 2020.  More than ever, our world needs servant-leaders grounded in biblical truth who embody wisdom and eloquence and are willing and able to persuasively speak truth amidst a sea of lies. That is precisely what we are aiming to produce in our graduates. We are so grateful for the many ways our community invests in our future graduates.  If you’d like to learn more about Building for Growth, or to give a gift, check out our new website or give me a call.  I’d love to hear from you!