As image bearers of the one true God, each of us comes hard-wired for creative expression. A Christ-centered education would therefore be hollow without the opportunity to praise him through the different modes of artistic expression. For this reason, we place a high priority on student participation in vocal and instrumental music, drama, and the visual arts.
Visual Arts
Our visual arts program exists to build a strong foundation for students in the areas of creative ideas (art production), historical thought (art history), and analytical reason (art criticism), teaching objective standards of form and beauty which testify to the glory of God.

Music is one of God’s greatest gifts as it enriches all of our lives. In the creation of beautiful music, we have a grand opportunity to imitate and glorify the God who created us, for He is a creative God! We therefore make music instruction at Stillwater Christian School a high priority
in our curriculum.
Students in grades K-3 take general music and may transition to vocal performance in middle and high school. Stillwater has several choir ensembles including a Children’s Choir, a Middle School Choir, and the following high school ensembles: a non-auditioned Concert Choir, a Chamber Choir, and a Women’s Choir. Stillwater Choirs and soloists regularly receive superior ratings at various music festivals in the region.
In grades 4-6, students are exposed to classic band literature while learning to improve their musicianship and technique on their instrument. As students continue, they may elect to participate in the Middle School Band, Pep Band, High School Wind Ensemble, and an auditioned Jazz Band. Stillwater Bands regularly receive superior ratings at various music festivals in the region.
Conservatory of Music
Stillwater’s Conservatory of Music provides a solid foundational music education, meaningful recognition, and excellent opportunities in performance and musical study to serious high school musicians in the Flathead Valley.
Our drama program integrates many creative elements into a fun-filled and rewarding experience, developing skills in performance, voice, and diction. Effective communication, music performance, and visual art presentation are all elements of our theatrical productions. Drama performances are offered for grades K-12, and our drama presentations are supported by our school and surrounding community.

Arts Events
Stillwater Music Festival
The Stillwater Music Festival is an invitational music festival hosted at Stillwater Christian School every spring. Bands, choirs, and orchestras perform for written and spoken adjudication from master educators on this special two-day event.
Evening of the Arts
Evening of the Arts is an annual celebration of the Arts at SCS. The evening begins with an art show displaying student artwork with live solo and ensemble music in our lobby. Guests enjoy a delicious meal while high school choral and instrumental groups are featured throughout the evening.