Drama provides students with the opportunity to explore their thespian talents. Theatre integrates many creative elements into a fun-filled and rewarding experience, helping students develop important skills in performance, including voice and diction. Effective communication, music performance, and visual art presentation are all elements of our theatrical productions. Public performances are offered for grades K-12, and our drama presentations are supported by our school and surrounding community.
High School Drama
Stillwater Christian high school students have the opportunity every spring to audition and join the cast of that year’s production. Depending on the size of the cast, Junior High students may be included. Students begin meeting for rehearsals after-school hours each winter, working towards the spring performance. Recent productions include The Wizard of Oz, The Scarlet Letter, Robin Hood, and Seussical the Musical.
K-8 Drama
Stillwater Christian is pleased to partner with The Missoula Children’s Theater to bring quality drama productions to our younger students. Each spring MCT’s little red truck arrives on our campus on a Monday morning, fully prepared and eager to offer K-8th grade students the opportunity to work with two professional actors and enjoy five exciting days of team building before performing for parents and friends that weekend.